Event: Bad Science and Poor Law: The danger of confusing opinion and fact

8:00pm, Wed, 04 Apr 2007
Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2

Dr Teresa Burke, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, UCD

Legal decisions are based on evidence and "evidence" increasingly includes psychological or behavioural data. I will reflect on the inherent risk asscoiated wth poorly prepared and poorly presented "scientific evidence" in the context of legal proceedings, both civil and criminal. I will argue that a failure to adopt a true scientific approach to evidence contributes to miscarriage of justice.

Wed, 04 Apr, 2007

Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2

€3 for members and concessions €6 for non-members

€3 for members and concessions €6 for non-members

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