In 2007 the ISS hosted the 13th congress... below is a brief description of the event.
7-9 Sep 2007
Davenport Hotel,
Merrion Square,
Dublin 2
In 2007 the ISS hosted the 13th congress... below is a brief description of the event.
Congress theme:
The Assault on Science: Constructing a Response
The skeptics movement is comprised of individuals with three primary goals:
As Richard Dawkins has stated:
"The enlightenment is under threat. So is reason, So is truth. So is science. I am one of those scientists who feel that it is no longer enough just to get on and do science. We have to devote a significant proportion of our time and resources to defending it from deliberate attack from organized ignorance."
This congress aims to do just that.
Among the Irish speakers are Prof John Crown (Consultant Oncologist, St Vincent's University Hospital), Prof David McConnell (Genetics Dept. TCD) and Dr Brian Hughes (Health Psychologist, NUI Galway).
Visiting speakers include Dr Ben Goldacre, (Guardian UK columnist and medical doctor); Prof Victor Stenger (physicist, USA); Prof Massimo Pigliucci (evolutionary biologist, USA); Prof Willem Betz (medical doctor Belgium), Prof James Alcock (social psychologist, Canada), Prof Chris French (anomalistic psychologist UK)*.
*Chris studies unusual experiences, often those considered paranormal, and attempts to explain them in terms of known physical and psychological factors.
Topics to be covered include:
7-9 Sep 2007
Davenport Hotel,
Merrion Square,
Dublin 2